Welcome to "COLDAIRE", your complete air con service company. Thank you for the opportunity to serve you, and we look forward to hearing from you soonest. Please feel free to call OR text us anytime and experience firsthand our fast, reliable, and professional
air conditioning services, including:

FREE Check-Up / Estimate (w/in Mandaluyong)
>INSTALLATION / Dismantling / Relocation
>GENERAL CLEANING w/Hi-Pressurized Washer
>REPAIR / Troubleshooting/Parts Replacement
>Preventive Maintenance / Leak repair
>FREON Re-charging w/vacuum flush
>SYSTEM Re-processing / Electrical
>pldT 3 5 9 8 3 9 7 / 6 3 1 5 7 1 3.
>Servicing All Brands and Models.
>Satisfaction Guaranteed

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Mandaluyong, Metro Manila