Earn P450,000-P700,000 Yearly Income While you Sleep and Rest.

Invest to your property for as low as P 25,000 monthly

Hotel Ownership is property Earning Thru Check in Guest, Booked Client.

*Hotel operates and Managed by itself (No Stress - No Worry)
*Life Time Ownership (Transferable to your Children)
*Enjoy Price Appreciation over time (Resellable)
*Enjoy your Increasing Income (Hotel Rental rate is increasing every year)
*Enjoy Earning Income while you rest and sleep ,With free30days stay with Breakfast Buffet every year.
*Enjoy Income even if your room is not rented, 100% Profit Sharing
*NO Maintenance cost.

Enjoy you Life, Invest now.

Your Property Specialist
Jess P. Bulseco

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